Detailed vs Summary Tables: Why Not Both?


Imagine a scenario where your data source has hundreds of millions or even billions of rows. If you try to use this data in Tableau, it’s likely that you’ll run into some problems. One of the first problems you’re likely to encounter is that your database just isn’t powerful enough to query that much data quickly. You might have a powerful analytics database that can handle this, but often, you will not. If you try to create an extract of that data in Tableau, then that extract will probably time out before it’s completed, leading to the need to do an incremental extract refresh. And, once the data is extracted, Tableau is likely to struggle a bit with that amount of data.


Summary Tables

But do you really need that lowest level of data granularity? Do you need to see every single transaction? If you’re dealing with this volume of transactions, then it’s highly unlikely that you need this level of detail. Thus, the typical solution for this problem is to create a summary table within your data warehouse (or data lake, data mart, or wherever you store this data).


Let’s take Superstore’s Orders table, for example. This table only has about 10,000 records, but let’s say it had 1 billion. We might decide to create a summary table that aggregates the data by Year, Category, and Sub-Category, summing up the measures, Sales, Profit, and Quantity. The resulting summary table will have orders of magnitude fewer records, making it easier to work and much more performant.


This table will be aggregated to the highest level of granularity needed to meet your analysis needs. Choosing the level of granularity is a bit of a balancing act, however. You want to choose a high enough level of granularity in order to guarantee there are significantly fewer records, but you’ll want a low enough level of granularity to ensure that the summary table can be used by multiple people and for multiple use cases.


Once we have this summary table (and have set it up to be refreshed on some regular basis), we’ll use that table in Tableau and we’ll get much better performance.


Creating a Summary Table

Let’s take a moment to create a summary table using SQL. If you’re not interested in all the SQL, then feel free to skip the bulk of this section. Just be sure to review the structure of our summary table before moving on.


As mentioned above, we’d like to create a table aggregating Sales, Profit, and Quantity by Year, Category, and Sub-Category. We’ll create a table like this:


CREATE TABLE Orders_Summary(

    [Year] int,

    [Category] nvarchar(100),

    [Sub-Category] nvarchar(100),

    [Total Sales] decimal(38, 2),

    [Total Quantity] int,

    [Total Profit] decimal(38, 2),




We’ll then create a simple process that refreshes this from the detailed table.





INSERT INTO Orders_Summary (




    ,[Total Sales]

    ,[Total Quantity]

    ,[Total Profit]



     YEAR([Order Date])






FROM Orders


     YEAR([Order Date])




We’d schedule this to run on a regular basis—perhaps daily—so that we’re getting up-to-date data.


Note: We could, of course, also use other tools, such as Tableau Prep, to create this summary table.


Finally, we connect this to Tableau and create our super-performant charts!!


Use Both Summary & Detail

In the above example, there was so much data that it doesn’t really make sense to ever show the detailed data. But, if you had a smaller data set, then there might be some use cases where the detailed data is of use. For example, let’s say you have 5 million rows that span over the past 20 years. You may want to drill down on one specific month and one specific customer­­—that might only be a few hundred rows.


Though we need the lowest level of detail, most of our analysis will still be at a higher level. For these higher level charts, we could try using the detailed data and letting Tableau do the aggregation, but that’s still quite a bit of data and might not be as performant as we like, especially if we have several filters or are using other features of Tableau. So, what if we use the summary table for these charts and only use the detailed data when we need it?


To do this, we’ll create a second data source connecting to the detailed data. Using our example, we could create a line chart by month (remember that our summary table aggregates by Year so we can’t use that).


This works well, but there are a couple of problems.


First, you now have two separate data sources that you’ll need to maintain and keep in sync with each other. Calculated fields, sets, groups, etc. may need to be created in both data sources. That is a pain in the neck and, in many cases, simply isn’t worth the effort.


Second, and perhaps more problematic, is that it will now be more difficult to filter across these data sources. In the charts we’ve shared so far, for example, you might want to have a shared filter on Year. While you might be able to get this to work, it would require blending and I try to avoid that whenever possible.


So, do we just use the detailed data and deal with the performance hit? I have another idea…


Both in a Single Data Source

Here’s a solution that allows us to use both summary and detailed data in the same data source. We’ll create a new data source and add both tables. We’ll then relate these tables on the dimensions shared between them—in our example, Year, Category, and Sub-Category (these are the fields that define the level of granularity of our summary table).


When we create a chart in Tableau that is above the summary table level of granularity, then we’ll use the fields from the summary table.


And, when we need the detailed information, we’ll use the fields from the detail table.



At this point, you might be saying “No, don’t do that!” If so, then your concern is likely that this data source is joining the two tables and, therefore, it’s always selecting those millions of records from the detail table, which defeats the purpose. But remember that this is not how relationships work. The previous data model leveraged physical joins, so that would have been the case several years ago, but relationships only use a table when fields from that table are used on the view. Let’s explore this further using the first example. That sheet used Year, Category, and Total Sales—all of which come from the summary table. So, when constructing the query to send to the database, Tableau realizes that it only needs the Orders_Summary table and it “culls” the join to the detailed Orders table. Here’s the SQL it runs (I’ve cleaned up the syntax a little for clarity):





    ,SUM([Total Sales]) as [Total Sales]

FROM Orders_Summary





The Orders table is completely ignored in this SQL. It’s only when we use a field from the detailed data that the join will be added. And since this is only querying the summary table, we’ll get the same great performance as the separate data source.


Note: For more on relationships and how they work vs the previous data model, see Tableau's New Data Model & Relationships.


But it also solves the two problems we mentioned before. We only have a single data source to maintain. Furthermore, this data source can handle many more use cases than either of the separate ones could on their own.


And, more importantly, we can now use filters across sheets. For example, let’s add a Year filter and apply it to all sheets.



Because this field comes from the summary table, the join to the detail table will still be culled, thereby maintaining our performance. But we do need to be careful here. If we were to filter on a field from the detail table, that would cause Tableau to add a join to the SQL and that could have a huge impact on performance. So, when we apply filters across sheets using a mix of summary and detailed data, we should only use fields from the summary table.


Note: If you filter a detailed view using a summary field, it will create a join, but since we’re already using the detailed data, that join to a smaller table will have limited impact. It will slow the query somewhat, but it should be negligible.



In my career, I haven’t had to work with a lot of huge data sets. In those cases where I have, I’ve been fortunate enough to have a powerful analytics database processing that data. But not everyone is so lucky and the sheer volume of our data is increasing by the minute.


Fortunately, summary tables can help us to address some of these problems by significantly reducing the size of our data. And, since most of our analysis will be done at that higher level, we can often forgo use of the detailed data entirely. But, every now and then, you will have a use case that requires that granular data. Fortunately, as we’ve seen here, you don’t necessarily need to revert to using that detailed data for everything. Instead, you can create a single data source that gives you the best of both worlds! While this technique is not something you’ll use every day, it’s a powerful one that could be a lifesaver.


Thanks for reading. Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments below.


Ken Flerlage, August 5, 2024

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1 comment:

  1. Love the detailed summary tables here! They are visually appealing and concise, making it easier to digest the data. Fantastic work in balancing detail with readability.


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