A Walk Through My Process of Building 4 Makeover Monday Dashboards


I started the 2024 year by getting involved with Makeover Monday. Makeover Monday is an incredible project that has given so much to our community. In 2024, Makeover Monday was relaunched with three incredible new leaders (Irene Diomi, Chimdi Nwosu, and Harry Beardon), and I wanted to show my support.  But as I got involved, I started to have a lot of fun and learned a lot!  

For that reason, I wanted to share with the community via video. In this video, I'll walk through four examples. The intention is to talk through recognizing problems in the data, walk through an analyst's thought process, explore data in Tableau to find insights, discuss design choices, and build some charts (get some reps) in Tableau.  

I want to give a shoutout to Serena Roberts and the Twin Cities TUG. Serena asked me to give this presentation for their TUG and she graciously allowed me to utilize the recording for this blog/video post.  So thank you!

Okay, here's the video. I hope you will check it out!


Need help with anything related to Tableau?  Through Moxy Analytics, Ken and I provide consulting services such as Tableau Lifeline (get us for 1 hour to help solve a sticky problem), Fractional Data Hero (get us on your team for N number of hours a month for whatever you want us for), Tableau Training, and of course, project work. Click the Icon below if you are interested.

Kevin Flerlage, September 3, 2024

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