Why You Need an Analytics Platform (and Why Excel is Not Enough)

In the past few years, I’ve written almost solely about Tableau, but this post is a little different. I’m going to step back and speak to a different audience at a much higher level and try to give you some reasons why you need to invest in a solid analytics platform.


Imagine you are one of the following people:


- An Executive Decision-Maker

- A Board Member Who Wants to Grow the Company

- A Department Manager Trying to Make Better Decisions


Or, perhaps, you have some level of responsibility for providing data to these decision-makers:


- An Analyst with Solid Excel Skills

- A Beginner Who’s Just Completed Some Data Literacy Training


Given this blog’s focus on Tableau, you probably haven’t been here before. You probably don’t even know what Tableau is. And you might be wondering why you need it or, for that matter, why you need an analytics platform at all. You have your enterprise systems that run the company and your people are good with Excel, so why do you need anything more? To explore that question, let’s start with a scenario…


The Scenario

In this scenario, imagine you are one of the people responsible for providing data to the decision-makers. You might be a guru who can make Excel do all kinds of incredible things. Or you might be a beginner who’s just completed a series of data literacy training. Or, more likely, you are somewhere in between.


Now imagine that you have a partner that provides you with some data on a regular basis—it could be inventory data, information about their sales pipeline, or any number of other useful data. Your CEO needs a report using this data twice a month to help inform various decisions. Data-informed decisions, you say!! Well, that’s exactly why you’ve worked to build your data literacy skills, right? So, how might you provide this information to your CEO? You start by talking to that partner and asking that they send the data twice a month. Once you have the data in hand (it’ll most likely be in Excel format), you realize it needs a bit of cleaning and data prep before you can use it in the CEO’s report. You clean the data in Excel, diligently documenting your steps along the way, then use that data to produce an Excel-based report.



Fortunately, the cleanup process isn’t too complicated and you’re able to produce the CEO’s report relatively quickly. In all, it’s only taking you one hour to get the information to your CEO. Since she needs it twice a month, that’s only two hours per month. What’s best is that your CEO is absolutely thrilled—the report has enabled her to identify some problematic trends and she’s already taking proactive measures to address them.


Well done! Seriously...you've been able to apply your skills to help the organization make data-informed decisions that were previously made purely on gut instinct. That is what data skills are all about!!


Complication # 1

But, as you probably know, things are rarely this simple. So, let’s complicate the scenario slightly. After using your report for a while, your CEO asks if you could add in some Item Master data from your Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. That information will provide additional context that will allow her to slice the information in different ways and further tune her decision-making process. This is a great thing as it means that your report is getting used and your CEO is now starting to ask better, more detailed questions. Our goal should always be better answers to better questions so this is an exciting development and you’re eager to meet her needs.


But you don’t work with the ERP system that much, so you start researching the best ways to get data out of it. You find out that it has a database, so you start trying to figure out how you can connect to that database. Unfortunately, the database administrator doesn’t like people connecting to the database and, even if they were to allow that, the tables and fields within it have incredibly cryptic names. The item master table name is F4101 (who could have guessed that?), it has over 200 fields, and the fields are names are things like: IMITM, IMLITM, IMAITM, IMDSC1, IMALN, IMSRP1, IMUOM1, IMATPAC. Note: This is a real example, taken from JD Edwards, but virtually all ERP systems have similarly cryptic table and field naming. This is because the databases generally have thousands of tables and they needs some standard naming conventions in order to create consistency.


To make things worse, these types of systems are designed to be able to quickly process the creation and updating of data—they are not built for analytics—so they use a relational database model. Because of this, there are another dozen or so tables that also contain Item Master related data. You spend a week trying to figure out how to bring all this data together, but your mind is blown, and you decide that the best option is to simply export the data from the Item Master application in the ERP system. You only get the partner data twice a month, so it shouldn’t be a big deal to just export that data from the ERP twice a month as well, right?


OK, so now that you have your Item Master data, you need to combine it with the partner’s data then perform your cleaning and data prep. You find ways to combine the data using lookups and macros in Excel. That’s a little tricky, but you document your steps and you’re able to produce the report for the CEO.



Those additional steps added a bit of time to the process—it now takes two hours instead of one—but you only need to do it twice a month so no big deal. Your CEO is thrilled and puts the new report to work right away!


Complication # 2

Given that the last section was titled “Complication # 1”, I’m guessing you’re not surprised to hear that I’m going to add another complication. After a couple of months using the updated report, your CEO asks you to add another new data set to the report. You’ve never heard of the system that has the data she needs since it’s pretty niche and only maintained by a couple of people. So, you reach out to the owner of that system to see if it has a database you can connect to. Unfortunately, it’s a cloud-based software-as-a-service solution and doesn’t allow that. So, you ask about export capabilities. Unfortunately, it’s a rudimentary system and doesn’t have such capabilities. So, what do you do? Your options are quite limited, so you do the only thing you can—you decide that you'll need to track the data manually in a spreadsheet so that you can pull it into your reporting. Now, in addition to receiving the data from your partner and exporting the item master from your ERP, you now need to manually transcribe the data into a spreadsheet.



This adds another hour to your process, making it 3 hours. But, again, it’s only twice a month, so it’s not a big deal. And your CEO is thrilled so it’s absolutely worth it!


Complication # 3

Your CEO thinks you’re a miracle worker and is using the report to make better decisions than ever before. She’s been able to use it to solve dozens of strategic supply chain problems and now wants to use it to solve more operational problems as well. She’s finding this difficult since she only gets the report twice a month. So, she asks if you can start providing it more frequently…ideally, every day Monday through Friday.


The report takes 3 hours to create, which so far, has not been a problem since it’s only twice a month. But can you really do it daily? That’s three hours every single day!! You’re now in a bit of a bind, so what do you do? Unfortunately, there aren’t a lot of options. You decide that you have little choice, so you start going to work early to produce the report and still leave enough time for the rest of your work. Fortunately, you were able to get the partner to provide you with a tool to extract their data yourself, so you no longer must wait for them to send it to you—you can just download it whenever you need it.


In the end, you’re able to provide your CEO with the report she needs Monday through Friday of each week. It's a pain, but she is thrilled so you're happy too. She’s making much more timely and accurate decisions than ever before. But then your CEO runs into a problem. The partner added new shifts on the weekend and that’s having a big impact on their supply chain. By the time Monday comes along, the data is already stale. So, as you might have guessed, she asks if you can provide this report to her every day, including weekends and holidays.


So, now you are creating this report every single day—365 days a year—and spending three hours every day. It’s almost become your entire job. And what if you want to take a vacation? What if you get sick? This manual process that was initially no big deal has consumed your entire life and there’s seemingly no escape.


And guess what? You’re not the only one! All the other analysts, in all the other departments, are doing the same thing. They are pulling together data from disparate systems in order to create similar reports for the CEO and other decision-makers. Those folks are extracting similar data sets to you and spending the same amount of time performing the same cleaning and combining tasks as you. And many of the reports they create even use some of the same metrics. Are they calculating those the same way as you? There’s a high likelihood that they aren’t, which, at best, will lead to a lack of trust in the data from leadership and, at worst, could lead to poor decisions based on misunderstood data.


In short, while we have been able to use our data skills effectively, it’s led to a nightmare scenario that is completely unsustainable for you and the organization.


A Potential Solution…

If you’ve ever worked with data, then you know this is not just a hypothetical scenario. I’ve seen this exact scenario play out many times in my career. Even if your organization is really good with data, you almost certainly have at least a few pockets of this type of manual data work. You may even be in this exact same situation right now. Or you might be a leader who is struggling to get clean, accurate data on a timely basis.


So, what are we to do? How can we solve this problem?


What if, instead of manually processing this data via exports and Excel formulas and macros, we could introduce some automation into this process? We’d start by automating the extracting of data from each of our source systems…



Then we’d automate the process of combining that data together…



Next, we’d automate all those manual cleaning and data preparation steps…



Finally, we’d automate the CEO’s report…



And, if we are feeling ambitious, we could even schedule that report so that it’s delivered to your CEO’s email every single morning.



What would be the impact of all this automation? We will have taken a process that consumes 3 hours a day, 365 days a year and converted it into a fully automated process that requires exactly zero hours of your time. The report is waiting in your CEO’s inbox as soon as she walks in the door every single morning. But that’s just the beginning. This automated process delivers additional benefits as well:


1) Reuse – Anyone doing similar processes or using similar data sets can now just use the ones you’ve created. You have not only freed up your own time, but many others’ as well.


2) Ease of Use – If we do this right, we can take cryptic table and field names and change them into something people will understand. We can also combine all those relational tables into a smaller set of tables that contain all the important information, modeled in a way that makes it more conducive for reporting.


3) Improved Quality – Your manual processes in Excel leave room for mistakes. Once the automated process has been built and validated, these manual steps are removed, significantly reducing the possibility of errors and enhancing overall data quality.


4) Improved Consistency – Metrics and other calculations are created once and

 standardized so there is no risk of people defining things differently than others.


5) More Time – You (and others) now have more time to focus on more value-added tasks. This leads to a more productive workforce but also helps to reduce costs since you won’t need to hire additional people.


Analytics Platforms

This 100% automation may seem too good to be true, but it's not. This is why we need an analytics platform. If you look up the term, “analytics platform,” you’ll get a variety of definitions. When I discuss an “analytics platform,” I’m speaking quite broadly about a unified solution of technologies that allow you to acquire, combine, clean, and transform your data, then to explore, analyze, visualize, and report on it. While this space is constantly changing, an analytics platform typically consists of three primary components which could be made up of one or more technologies. Sometimes all three come together as part of a single packaged solution (though, in practice, I’ve rarely seen any package that does a good job of all three needs). Those components are a Data Pipeline, Data Platform, and Business Intelligence. Let's explore each of these further.


Data Pipeline

Data pipelines allow us to automate all the movement and transformation of data. Historically, these tools have been called ETL (Extract, Transform, Load), but you’ll also hear the terms Data Prep, Data Transformation, Data Pipeline, and several others. Using the example we shared earlier, we’d use these tools to extract data from the source systems, combine the data together, and perform the necessary cleanup and data prep. Typically, we’d also use these tools to model the data in a way that is easier to understand and structured to be more conducive for analytics. The combined, cleaned, conformed, modeled data is then pushed into some sort of data platform (see the next component). Unfortunately, many of these tools are not yet capable of reading data from the APIs provided by many web and cloud-based platforms, so other tools or programming languages, such as Python, are often integrated to provide this capability.


Data Platform

“Data Platform” is a generalized term to describe some sort of platform to store the data processed by a data pipeline. Historically, data warehouses have been the primary way to store data for analytics purposes. These are best for handling highly modeled and structured data. For this reason, they are great for providing a “single source of the truth” to business users. However, they don’t do a good job of handling the explosion of unstructured and semi-structured data. To deal with this, we’ve seen the growth of data lakes or technologies that combine data warehouses and data lakes into something called “data lakehouses.” But regardless of the technologies used, the data platform provides a place where you can bring together data and make it available to business users, analysts, and data scientists.


Business Intelligence

So, now that we have clean, reliable, easy-to-understand data, what do we do with it? That’s where business intelligence (BI) tools come in. Business intelligence tools provide an intuitive interface for analyzing, reporting, and visualizing data. Traditional BI platforms tended to be somewhat bulky and not particularly easy to use. They also focused much more on simple “list” reports or crosstabs. Modern platforms, such as Tableau, tend to focus more on visual analytics since visualizing data is much more effective for identifying insights than raw data. Almost all BI tools now have the capability to create charts, dashboards, infographics, as well as more traditional types of reporting. They generally allow you to share reports or dashboards with end users via several different methods, as well as provide powerful tools for exploratory analysis and data mining. Because they are usually built with intuitive interfaces (some more than others), they enable virtually anyone in an organization to use them—a concept referred to as “self-service.” Self-service analytics means that subject matter experts can analyze their own data and find their own insights to inform better decisions. While it’s typical to have a core team of experts, self-service tools allow the work to be distributed across the enterprise, reducing bottlenecks. Modern BI platforms have also begun to integrate advanced analytics—machine learning, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, etc—in order to provide increasingly powerful toolsets.


Automation, Automation, Automation

What all these components have in common is automation. Once a data pipeline is created, we can simply schedule it to run on a regular basis. When it fails, we’ll get notified and can address any problems, but most of the time, it just runs on its own—completely unattended. We pretty much just schedule it and forget it. Up-to-date, clean, modeled data then lands in our data platform, ready to be used by the business intelligence tool(s). And the BI platforms are automated as well. Once fresh data is available, reports automatically use that data. You can even schedule a report to be emailed on a specific schedule or configure alerts when a metric reaches some target. The automation possibilities are endless.



So, why do you need an analytics platform? And why is Excel not enough? The simple answer is automation. By implementing the key components of an analytics platform, we’re able to automate previously manual processes. And that automation provides us with many other benefits including the ability to reuse the data created, data that is easier to use and access by business users, improved data quality, improved consistency, and countless hours of saved time, allowing you and others to focus on more value-added tasks.


So, if you or others in your organization are spending a lot of time manually extracting, combining, cleaning, modeling, and reporting your data, please please please consider a move to a data analytics platform. I promise that you—and your organization—will be glad you did!


Ken Flerlage, August 21, 2023

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