Dynamically Show & Hide Parameters & Filters based on another Parameter Selection


For the past couple of years, I have seen a question pop up over and over and over.  I’ve probably seen this question asked two dozen times, both directly, via social media, and via the Tableau forums.  The question is simple.  I have a parameter with a value of A.  When I change that parameter to a value of B, it changes the view.  At the same time, when the value is set to B, I want to provide additional options to my user.  The additional options come in the form of a second parameter or filter.  However, I only want that additional parameter or filter to show when the value of B is selected, not when the value of A chosen.  So how do I show or hide a parameter/filter based on the selection of another parameter?

Although this is not something that is built into the standard functionality of Tableau, everything has a work-around.  Please check out my Tableau Public Workbook then watch the following video to see how to do this.  

Click on the image to watch the video.  



Kevin Flerlage, November 2, 2020

Twitter LinkedIn Tableau Public



  1. Is it possible show/hide or control what's shown in one parameter's dropdown based on the selection in another parameter?

    1. I don't think you can do this. Even a dynamic parameter only updates when the workbook opens. However, you could certainly use a set control. Check this out: https://www.flerlagetwins.com/2020/10/dynamically-change-your-drop-down-menus.html

  2. Is there a way to use this solution to control more than one collapsible container based on the parameter. Currently that is only set in the button options so the transparent can only control one container. thanks

    1. Yeah, I mean...I think you'll just replicate this numerous times.

  3. This doesn't seem to work anymore when I download the workbook. Am I missing something?

    1. It seems to work fine for me. What version are you using?

  4. Great work, is it possible to show/hide or control what's shown in one parameter's dropdown list? I use one parameter for multiple dashboards and the calculations are tied to them so it would be 400x the work and time to duplicate the parameter.

    1. Are you able to share an example with me? flerlagek@gmail.com

  5. Hi Kevin,
    I have a similar scenario ,Lets say i have more 30 values in primary parameter and more than one filter in secondary ,how is that dynamic Show hide works should i need to create 10 different sheets ?

    1. Any chance that you could share a workbook with me? Also, what version are you on? The new Dynamic Zone Visibility feature helps with a ton of these types of use cases. flerlagek@gmail.com

  6. Hey Kevin,

    In case of multiple parameters is there a way we can hide parameters and show only 1 based on selection and Nothing if All is selected?

    1. Sure...I think this method would actually work for that as well.

      Also, in the last year, Tableau released Dynamic Zone Visibility. That is likely an option as well.

    2. Since the parameter values are static and there isn't a single outcome from the value selection, I think the Dynamic Zone Visibility won't work in my situation. In my scenario, there are four parameters total, three of which are always hidden when certain values (consider All) from parameter 1 are chosen. If a different value is chosen, the parameter from the 3 should be shown keeping the other 2 hidden. I attempted a different workaround, but it only worked for one parameter. I overlapped the parameters with a blank sheet and added a sheet to collapse and extend inside the parameter container. I know there has to be a method, but I'm at a loss. Could you suggest some other possibilities?

    3. Honestly, I'm not sure without really getting my hands on it. If you could mock something up and send to flerlagek@gmail.com, I'd be happy to take a look.

  7. I believe, my req is little different here. My Goal is to show only 1 parameter at a time based on the selection from another parameter. As the values are static and no mapping with data exist, I believe I cannot use Dynamic Zone Visibility. Since this needs to act as filter I can hide one parameter by overlapping the container with blank sheet and adding one in the same container to move based on selection, but I'm stuck when there are 3 parameters. Any suggestion? Happy to share the workbook, please let me know where can I share.

    1. Something like the above could work based on the use case. Are you saying that dynamic zone visibility won't work or that you don't have access to it?


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