New Viz: Spot It vs Dobble (Collaboration)

In mid-2019, fellow Zen Master, Klaus Schulte and I started talking about doing a Tableau collaboration.  We were both busy with other projects at the time and agreed we would circle back later in the year.  In January 2020, we started talking again.  He suggested an idea for a viz collaboration and I became incredibly excited!  The reason I was so excited was that this very topic was already on my “Tableau to-do list”.  The idea was to visualize the game Spot It, known as Dobble in Europe.

Spot It and Dobble are the same game. The game is simple enough for a 5 year old and incredibly fun for all ages.   So how do you play?

The deck contains 55 round cards.  Each card displays 8 different images out of a total of 57 images across all cards.  To play, you simply turn over two random cards and find the image that shows on both cards.  That's right, find THE IMAGE that shows on both cards.  This is what makes this game so intriguing.  Every single card has 8 of 57 images and every single card has EXACTLY ONE matching symbol with every other card. No pair of cards has more than one match and every pair of cards has exactly one match.  How is that possible?

The game is so much fun to play and the math behind it is sooooo intriguing.  In this viz, we will teach you how to play the game, prove that there is exactly one match on every pair of cards, allow you to actually play the game, then dig into the incredible math behind it.  Klaus and I hope you enjoy our new viz Spot It vs Dobble.

Kevin Flerlage, April 8, 2020


  1. One main difference between the 2 versions is that in Spot It there are 3 words (ok, art, stop).
    And the reason only 55 cards are used instead of 57, is self-explanatory in your graph; that is, 57 is a prime number and therefore doesn't align as well as 55 (11 x 5). In other words, greed: if 57 cards were to be printed, space would be wasted on the paper! Personally, I'd love to have all 57 cards, regardless.

  2. One main difference between the 2 versions is that in Spot It there are 3 words (ok, art, stop).
    And the reason only 55 cards are used instead of 57, is self-explanatory in your graph; that is, 57 is a prime number and therefore doesn't align as well as 55 (11 x 5). In other words, greed: if 57 cards were to be printed, space would be wasted on the paper! Personally, I'd love to have all 57 cards, regardless.


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