Check out my new viz, TORNADO.  It looks at the history of tornadoes and their impact on humanity over the past 70 years. 

I should note that one reason for utilizing a spiral to visualize history was to provide enough space to show all values for every month for 70 years (over 800 marks).  But more importantly, the spiral chart was meant to look like the spiraling winds of a tornado.   This chart certainly does not do a great job of allowing you to compare values across different periods of time (though I did add a background and set action to improve this). I implore you to use caution if considering a chart such as this. 

With all of that said, I hope you enjoy TORNADO and please be on the lookout for an upcoming blog post.!/vizhome/TORNADO/Tornado?publish=yes

Kevin Flerlage, January 20, 2020 | Twitter | LinkedIn | Tableau Public

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