The Tableau Chart Catalog

The Tableau Chart Catalog
Have you ever wanted a single resource that showed the different types of charts possible in Tableau?  Personally, I have...many…many times.  I have tried to use my favorites for this purpose, but the fact is, I am missing many charts and I now have so many favorites, it is difficult to work through them.

A couple of months ago, I started searching for resources on different chart types and I found several including the Dataviz Project, the Dataviz Catalogue, and the Chartmaker Directory.  All of these are INCREDIBLE resources and I encourage you to check them out.  However, since I am a Tableau user only, I wanted something a little different; I wanted a resource that was 100% specific to Tableau.  Since this did not appear to exist, I decided to compile it myself (at the time, I had no clue how much effort this would take).

Over the past several months, I researched chart types, searched for visualizations on Tableau Public, and began reaching out to several people in the community.  (Thank you to Jeff Shaffer and Ken Flerlage for assisting with this).  The result is a list of 100 different chart types and chart type variations created by 74 different authors (who have all agreed to allow their work to be included in this visual).  All visualizations were created using Tableau, published on Tableau Public, and are available for download.  The vast majority of the charts are used within actual visualizations, not just a templates (so that you can gain better understanding of their use cases).

The goal of the Tableau Chart Catalog is to provide you with one source of reference for the dozens and dozens of charts that can be created within Tableau.  It should allow you to better understand these charts, their use cases, and what they represent, but more importantly, this should act as inspiration for your next visualization. 

Please note that the Tableau Chart Catalog was not developed to provide steps to build each chart (although the ability to download them should assist in learning).  If you are interested in how to build each chart, I would recommend that you reference the VisualVocabulary by Andy Kriebel, the Tableau Reference Guide from Jeff Shaffer (DataPlus Science) and the Tableau Cookbook from Josh Weyburne (who have all graciously agreed to allow me to link to their work). 

I would like to send out a HUGE thank you to the 74 authors that allowed me to include their work in this catalog.  The Tableau Community is simply incredible!!!

Okay, without further ado, I introduce the Tableau Chart Catalog.  I hope you find it useful. 

 Click to go to visualization

Or simply click here to go to the visualization.

Kevin Flerlage, August 7, 2019 | Twitter | LinkedIn | Tableau Public


  1. When I first read the title I thought it was "Tableau Chartalog" :)

  2. This is an amazing material and I love the blog. Thanks for putting so much time/effort to share your knowledge for free with the community...I can barely find time myself to create a single dashboard apart from work these days! :-)

  3. Great overview with some superb examples. Next ... a 'decision tree' that guides you to the best chart type(s) for a particular class of problem you're trying to viz.

  4. Thanks for the blog Kevin. How did you created the spatial files for Cartogram?

    1. I spoke with the creator of that chart and he said he used

  5. This is super helpful. Thank you so much for your work. It is amazing!!

  6. Was the link added using web edit?

  7. links dont work anymore?

    1. This has been corrected. It appears that Public changed how their links work. Thank you for the heads up.


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